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Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management

February 1st and 2nd, Sitges, Spain

Presentations (in pdf format, in alphabetical order of first author):

Bruno Bagnoli, E. Gargani. Bio-ethological observations on Reptalus quinquecostatus and its relationship with stolbur phytoplasma in Tuscany vineyards

B. Bagnoli, E. Gargani, L. Ferretti, A. Gentili, G. Pasquini, R. Frosinini and L. Tirinnanzi. Distribution of Scaphoideus titanus eggs on grapevine

Tim Belien, G. Peusens, E. Bangels, C. Duchęne, S. Steyer, P. Lepoivre. Optimal control strategies of phytoplasma vectors: an overview of efficacy results of low-impact insecticides and alternative products against pear psyllids

Stefania Bertin, L. Picciau, Z. Acs, A. Alma, D. Bosco. Molecular identification of Hyalesthes and Reptalus species (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) allows monitoring of vector species throughout the year

E. Choueiri, P. Salar, J.L. Danet, F. Jreijiri, S. El Zammar, J.M. Bové, X. Foissac. Phytoplasma diseases in Lebanon

Mirosława Cieślińska, H. Morgaś, E. Rozpara. Occurrence of phytoplasmas infecting stone fruit trees in Poland

T. Cvrković, J. Jović, M. Mitrović, A. Petrović, O. Krstić, S. Krnjajić and I. Toševski. Diversity of Auchenorrhyncha species and potential bois noir vectors in Serbian vineyards

Duska Delić, B. Lolić. Bois noir phytoplasma infecting grapevine in Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Mattew Dickinson, J.A. Tomlinson, N. Boonham. Development of a one-hour DNA extraction and loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of phytoplasmas

M. Dollet, R. Llauger, S. Fabre, J. F. Julia, C. Gonzalez and J. Cueto  Nymphocixia caribbea (Fennah) (Homoptera: Cixiidae) potential candidate as coconut lethal yellowing vector in the Carribean

Ibolya Ember, Z. Acs, Z. Nagy, A. Mike, M. Kolber. Study of stolbur phytoplasma tuber transmission in potato 

Paolo Ermacora, L. Carraro, F. Ferrini, M. Martini, N. Loi. Transmission dynamics of European stone fruit yellows on thirteen Prunus species in controlled conditions 

Filiz Ertunc, S. Bayram, G. Soylemezoglu. Detection and characterisation of grapevine phytoplasmas and vectors by molecular techniques in Turkey and the reactions of common cultivars to those infections 

Fassotte C, Steyer S, Olivier T, Cors R, Tomme M and Facq M. Imaginal phenology of Cacopsylla picta and C. melanoneura in Belgian apple orchards and hawthorn hedges

Luca Ferretti, G. Pasquini, A. Gentili. Study of the molecular variability of phytoplasmas by tuf gene analysis

H. Gültekin, K. Çağlayan, M. Gazel, Ç. Ulubaş Serçe. Transmission of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ by formation of root bridges in Turkish apricot cultivars
M. Imo, M. Maixner, J. Johannesen. Microsatellite markers for the study of host races and dispersal biology of the bois noir vector Hyalesthes obsoletus
Maria Kamińska. Diseases of forest trees associated with phytoplasma infection 

Patrick Kehrli, S. Kessler, S. Schaerer, N. Delabays. Hyalesthes obsoletus, vector of bois noir: distribution and host plant preferences in Switzerland  

B. Lolić, D. Delić. Occurrence of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri' in pear growing area of Srpska - Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Michael Maixner. Determination of the parameters for a day-degree method to predict the flight of host populations of Hyalesthes obsoletus

H. Montano, J.O. Cunha Júnior, J.P. Pimentel, T.A. Giustolin and J.R.S. Lopes. Entomofauna of Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha in chayote (Sechium edule) fields with chayote witches’-broom (ChWB) disease

Nicola Mori, L. Marini, E. Rampin, F. Zanetti, G. Mosca, N. Contaldo, A. Bertaccini. First report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ associated with several cultivars of oilseed rape in Italy
Graziella Pasquini, L. Ferretti, B. Bagnoli, A. Gentili, E. Gargani. Epidemiological investigation on bois noir disease in Central and Southern Italy

K. Pham, M. Lemmers, P. Vink, J. van Doorn, M. de Kock. Phytoplasma research in The Netherlands

K. Pham, M. Lemmers, P. Vink, J. van Doorn, M. de Kock. Dutch preparations for upcoming phytoplasma diseases

Monica Riedle-Bauer, A. Sára. Search for possible vectors of bois noir in Austrian vineyards

Rosemarie Tedeschi, P. Lauterer, L. Brusetti, F. Tota, F. Nardi, A. Alma. Role of wild plants in epidemiology of fruit tree phytoplasmas and in ecology of the insect vectors. The case of hawthorn plants
Deividas Valiunas, R. Jomantiene, A. Ivanauskas, D. Sneideris, J. Staniulis, R.E. Davis. A possible threat to the timber industry: ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pini’ in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Lithuania

Michael R. Wilson, J. Turner. Disseminating information on leafhopper, planthopper and psyllid vectors of phytoplasma disease 




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